50 Caliber Bullets 290 Grain SpitFire Muzzleloader (Per 24) in Asheville, North Carolina For Sale
Price: $24
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Barnes Bullets xxxx0 50 Caliber Bullets 290 Grain SpitFire Muzzleloader (Per 24)
The same boattail design and 100-percent copper construction of the Spit-Fire MZ, but with a streamlined polymer tip to enhance expansion. Higher BC for exceptional long-range performance. Stays intact at extreme velocities, expands at xxxx fps. New sabot makes loading easier without sacrificing the tight gas seal that makes the Spit-Fire MZ and Spit-Fire TMZ the most accurate muzzleloader bullets on the market.
Exceptionally Accuracy
Polymer Tip
Higher BC
Rapid Expansion
Easier Loading
Won't Come Apart"Model: BARN xxxx0
Price: $24.59
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=xxxx